Here, you can find hints for all official practice questions released by the ETS.
Wait … why hints and not full solutions?
I’ve been tutoring and teaching mathematics since 2009, and in that time I’ve found that students often learn a lot more when they can have a nudge toward answering a difficult problem, rather than just being shown the solution. With a hint, you’re still the one who has to actively apply that bit of knowledge and work your way through to the answer … and it’ll stick with you much more as a result because you’re the one who ended up solving the problem!
To use this page, click on the practice test you’re working on, and when you need a hint on a problem, click the corresponding dropdown to expand that hint. This way, you can choose which problems you need a slight push on without giving the others away.
If you still need full solutions, I’ve recommended a number of places you can find them on the Resources page as well as on each individual Hints page.