Hints: GR9768
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Solutions can be found here:
Question 1
Just calculate the integral directly. No tricks here.
Question 2
This is an arithmetic sequence. Look for a pattern.
Question 3
The inverse of \(A=\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}\) is \(A^{-1}=\dfrac{1}{\det A}\begin{pmatrix}d&-b\\-c&a\end{pmatrix}\).
Question 4
Solve the equation for \(b\) first using antiderivatives. Look for where \(y=x\) and \(y=x^2\) intersect.
Question 5
The graph of \(f’\) needs to describe the slope of \(f\) (i.e. increasing/decreasing behavior and relative extrema).
Question 6
Follow your way through the instructions. It may help to replace \(999\) with a small number like \(10\) and reason accordingly.
Question 7
Check the points at \(t=-\dfrac{\pi}{2}\) and \(t=0\).
Question 8
Make a \(u\)-substitution using the denominator.
Question 9
A one-to-one function from a set to itself is also called a permutation.
Question 10
Sketch the two branches as “blurry” curves. Where could the function possibly be continuous?
Question 11
Substitute (distinct) values of \(x\) and \(y\).
Question 12
Come up with an interval that satisfies the condition.
Question 13
Consider the three different cases and add them together.
Question 14
When negating quantifiers, \(\exists\) and \(\forall\) switch: \(\neg \Big(\exists x\ \forall y\ P(x,y)\Big)\) is equivalent to \(\forall x\ \exists y\ \neg P(x,y)\).
Question 15
Sketch \(y=a\) and \(y=x\), and try different graphs. (It may help to let \((a,b)=(-1,1)\).)
Question 16
Write out the linear combination explicitly and solve for the coefficients.
Question 17
Construct the table, working your way downward and to the right.
Question 18
Draw and label the radii. The area of an annulus is just the difference of the areas of two circles.
Question 19
In a group, every element must have an inverse, and that inverse must be unique.
Question 20
Use the limit definition of the derivative, and try various functions.
Question 21
One way to make this go quicker is to remember that the tangent line is just the first-order Taylor polynomial.
Question 22
Remember that subgroups must be closed under the operation and contain inverses.
Question 23
Sketch the situation, and make sure to label the points so you’re giving the correct angle.
Question 24
Two nonzero vectors are orthogonal if their dot product is zero.
Question 25
Since \(f\) is linear, the maximum must occur on one of the vertices of the feasible region.
Question 26
A local maximum can only occur when \(f’\) is zero or undefined. Be careful that you check the domain of each branch.
Question 27
Use the Chain Rule.
Question 28
Think about how the dimension of \(V\cap W\) affects the number of distinct basis vectors of \(V\) and \(W\).
Question 29
Use integration by parts.
Question 30
Any basis for \(\mathbb{R}^n\) must consist of exactly \(n\) nonzero linearly independent basis vectors.
Question 31
Use the Rational Roots Theorem.
Question 32
What’s the relationship between the number of arrangements that have Pat ahead of Lynn and the number that don’t?
Question 33
Finding \(\text{lcm}(30,16)\) will come in handy.
Question 34
Think of a function with a horizontal asymptote of \(y=1\).
Question 35
The tangent plane to \(z=f(x,y)\) has normal vector \((f_x,f_y,-1)\). Alternatively, if you solve the answers for \(z\), the gradient of the surface has to equal the gradient of the tangent plane.
Question 36
Put the first four numbers in order and try different values of \(x\).
Question 37
Cancel out one thing immediately, and notice that \(k=(k-1)+1\).
Question 38
Sketching the graph of each function will go much more quickly than actually integrating.
Question 39
Answer choices A-C are different kinds of rectangular sums. Note that \(e^{-x}\) is decreasing.
Question 40
Notice that \(\text{Pr}(H>T)+\text{Pr}(H=T)+\text{Pr}(H<T)=1\).
Question 41
For \(f\) to have a relative maximum, you need \(\nabla f=0\), \(\det H_f>0\) (where \(H_f=\begin{pmatrix}f_{xx}&f_{xy}\\f_{yx}&f_{yy}\end{pmatrix}\) is the Hessian matrix), and \(f_xx<0\).
Question 42
Sketch the points and think of translating the vectors between those points.
Question 43
Represent \(\begin{pmatrix}6\\7\\8\end{pmatrix}\) as a linear combination of \(\begin{pmatrix}0\\1\\2\end{pmatrix}\) and \(\begin{pmatrix}3\\4\\5\end{pmatrix}\). (The \(0\) helps.) Then use linearity.
Question 44
Use logarithmic differentiation.
Question 45
Check the units to make sure that you get gallons. (Remember that \(dt\) has a unit too!)
Question 46
You could find the characteristic equation, but the trace makes this so much easier.
Question 47
Sketch the region \([0,1]\times [0,1]\), and shade the region where \(|y-x|<\dfrac{1}{2}\).
Question 48
Look at the potential ranges of \(u\) and \(v\). Then figure out where the boundaries of \([0,1]\times [0,1]\) map to under the change of variables.
Question 49
You can either use substitutions and integration rules, or you can think of these geometrically (i.e. transformations).
Question 50
Note that if \(y^2=x^2\), then \(|y|=|x|\). (Why?) Think about how many ways the branches can be arranged.
Question 51
Use the Ratio Test.
Question 52
Use row reduction. Note that the system is homogeneous, so think of easy solutions.
Question 53
Sketch the circle, and use residue integration: \(\displaystyle\oint_C f(z)\,dz=2\pi i\cdot \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n \text{Res}(f,z_i)\) , where each \(z_i\) is a pole of \(f\) enclosed within \(C\).
Question 54
Set up the differential equation, and note that at in the limit, \(h'(t)=0\).
Question 55
Sketch a tiny bit of the curve at \(x=0\), paying attention to slope and concavity, and then use the fact that \(f^{\prime\prime}\) is increasing without bound to sketch the rest of \(f\).
Question 56
A metric must be positive definite (i.e. nonnegative, and zero only when two points are the same), symmetric, and satisfy the triangle inequality. To test the triangle inequality, try some simple points.
Question 57
Subrings must be closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
Question 58
Try sketching a few functions over \((0,1)\), and remember that continuous functions preserve connectedness and compactness.
Question 59
Exactly two of the elements in the set must be equal. Think about what must equal the identity, and keep Lagrange’s Theorem in mind: the order of an element must divide the order of a group.
Question 60
Try replacing \(s\) with \(s+s\) or \(s+t\) and playing with the algebra.
Question 61
Factor the expression, and remember that \(p\) must be an odd prime. Also use Fermat’s Little Theorem: If \(p\) does not divide \(a\), then \(a^{p-1}\equiv 1\pmod{p}\).
Question 62
Just focus on the terms that will multiply to give you \(x^3\): \(x^3\cdot x^0\) and \(x^1\cdot x^2\). Use the Binomial Theorem to get the coefficients.
Question 63
Sketch the graphs, but remember that exponential functions always eventually overtake polynomial functions.
Question 64
Continuous functions on compact sets are uniformly continuous. However, Lipschitz continuity is stronger than uniform continuity.
Question 65
Write \(p\) in the form \((x-r_1)(x-r_2)(x-r_3)\) and reason from there with the given information about \(p\) and \(p’\).
Question 66
Use Green’s Theorem: \(\displaystyle\oint_{\partial\Omega} (P\,dx+Q\,dy)=\displaystyle\iint_\Omega (Q_x-P_y )\,dA\).